Scientell facilitated the first annual 2-day workshop of the Earth Systems and Climate Change (ESCC) Hub of the National Environmental Science Programme (NESP).
Client: NESP Earth Systems and Climate Change Hub
Audience: The Hub’s science leaders, management team, and key members of the Hub Steering Committee and Hub Stakeholder Advisory Group.
The Earth Systems and Climate Change Hub of the National Environmental Science Programme held its first annual workshop on 19 and 20 July 2017 at Lancemore Hill, Victoria. The Hub engaged Scientell to facilitate the workshop to introduce speakers, maintain a strict schedule, encourage and help all participants contribute, guide break-out sessions, and ensure workshop aims were achieved.
Rather than a series of PowerPoint presentations, Scientell led a session where lead chief investigators had the opportunity to tell Hub colleagues and stakeholders about their project in the format of a fireside chat to maintain audience interest and engagement. The fireside chat was primarily designed to facilitate a project-level narrative around ‘path to impact’ for the Hub.