Curtin University virus and sexual health survey video and animation

Scientell worked with Curtin University to script, film and add bespoke animations to a video showcasing the findings of an important study.

Client: Curtin University

Audience: Policymakers, service providers and funders of related research


Australian migrants have HIV at a rate about 5 times higher than locally-born Australians. Scientell worked with Curtin University to produce a video summarising the national Migrant Blood-borne Virus and Sexual Health Survey. Scientell developed the narrative for the video based on the survey results and discussions with researchers. We then coordinated the filming and the development of the video with component animations.

Innovative Features

Scientell worked with Curtin University researchers to ensure that the narrative of the video was clear and effectively highlighted the importance of this study. Scientell also collaboratively worked with animation and video company Redboat to develop bespoke animations to overlay on the video.