Scientell prepared a series of case studies for the 2023–24 FRDC annual report, which covered various topics from marine heatwaves to biosecurity.
Scientell managed media communications and an essay competition for the 2024 International CleanUp Conference held in Adelaide, hosted by crcCARE.
Scientell produced and designed a series of brochures presenting the latest regional climate change projections across 11 NSW regions and the ACT.
Scientell produced a series of brochures presenting climate change projections and the likely impacts in Queensland and in 13 of the state’s regions.
Scientell prepared annual reports (2022–23 and 2023–24) for the Centre of Excellence for Biosecurity Risk Analysis (CEBRA), highlighting the research and application work CEBRA undertakes for the Australian and New [...]
Scientell developed a series of activity and idea booklets to inspire organisations from different disciplines across Australia to participate in National Science Week.
Scientell worked with the Department of Energy, Environment and Climate Action to communicate the research findings from the 2022 Victorian water quality analysis. The research was presented via a technical [...]
Scientell produced a climate change adaptation toolkit to inspire councils to enhance climate resilience.
Scientell worked with the CRC for Honey Bee Products to prepare legacy factsheets and a hard copy report showcasing its many achievements.
Scientell helped QUT develop a brochure about their Science Faculty to showcase its information technology, mathematics and science excellence, teaching expertise, world-class research centres and facilities.
Scientell helped the National Marine Science Committee to edit and develop summaries of technical working group reports that address key recommendations from the National Marine Science Plan.
Scientell helped the Australian national bushfire health and wellbeing survey team with report editing, preparation of a summary brochure and production of a summary animation.
Scientell helped the Biodiversity Council craft a range of research-based stories to highlight the challenges and solutions for Australia’s biodiversity crisis.
Scientell worked with the Australian Council of Learned Academies (ACOLA) to produce a report on the benefits of undertaking data-enabled research in Australia. The report synthesises the common themes and [...]
Scientell produced the client report Electricity networks: A guide to climate change and its likely effects. The report consolidates and presents the latest information on climate change and its likely effects on [...]
Scientell produced a user-friendly, interactive guide to assist local councils assess climate variability.
Scientell edited a 70-page technical report and summarised it into a reader-friendly, attractively designed 12-page booklet about climate change and opportunities to reduce greenhouse gas emissions from the Monash municipality [...]
Scientell provided a range of communication materials to help the Climate Systems Hub of the Australian Government’s National Environmental Science Program develop pages on their new website and produce a [...]
Scientell has provided a range of communication support services to Cooperative Research Centres (CRCs).
Scientell assisted The Commission for the Conservation of Antarctic Marine Living Resources (CCAMLR) by drafting and designing a 12-page brochure describing the Commission and its important work in supporting the [...]
Scientell summarised a 170-page technical report about opportunities to reduce greenhouse gas emissions from agriculture into a 12-page reader-friendly brochure.
Scientell, in collaboration with the Monash Climate Change Communication Research Hub, writes several weekly newspaper columns for Monash University’s ‘Changing Climates’ project. The series of columns clearly and accurately interprets [...]
Scientell regularly writes feature articles on a wide range of topics to raise awareness of scientific research findings and their applications.
Scientell edited a 100-page report explaining the findings of the Great Australian Bight Research Program, produced a brief glossy brochure based on the report, and wrote a series of voice-over [...]
Scientell regularly edits scientific and technical documents to ensure they are well structured, clear and grammatically correct.
Scientell managed media communication and an essay competition for the international CleanUp 2019 conference.
Scientell wrote the book Observing Environmental Change in Australia, which describes the science success stories enabled by TERN’s underpinning research infrastructure. ‘Observing Environmental Change in Australia – Conversations for Sustainability’ [...]
Scientell, working with Bloom Communication, produced a sophisticated website for Inspiring Australia Victoria, incorporating National Science Week Victoria, the Victorian Chapter of the Australian Citizen Science Association, and other community [...]
Scientell contributed to the development of a national plan for the environmental regulation of per- and poly-fluoroalkyl substances (PFAS). We collated and distilled expert opinion on the topic, helped with [...]
Scientell produced a 32-page report entitled ‘Victoria’s coast and marine environments under projected climate change: Impacts, research gaps and priorities’ and an associated 8-page brochure.
Scientell worked with Rohan Hamden & Associates, Bloom Communication and the South Australian District Council of Mallala to develop communication materials for a Community Emergency Management Plan for Middle Beach, [...]
Scientell synthesised 11 Securing Australia’s Future technical reports into a book published in printed and e-book versions by CSIRO Publishing.
Scientell wrote a detailed description of the latest scientific and environmental findings on Antarctica, and a series of stories profiling international researchers and their work for a new WWF Australia [...]
Scientell wrote a series of feature articles that profiled Monash University’s expertise in interdisciplinary research to highlight their Masters course on Environment and Sustainability.
Scientell helped NCCARF develop and launch the CoastAdapt discussion forum – called CoastExchange. Subsequently, Scientell maintained and moderated the site, regularly adding news items and writing and posting feature articles.
Scientell produced a series of brochures explaining the likely impacts of climate change for six regions around Victoria, including information on how best to adapt.
Scientell was the media partner for the 2016 and 2017 AMOS conferences, managing media liaison, sponsorship and a trade exhibition.
Scientell produced a series of brochures for the Queensland Government explaining the likely impacts of climate change for 13 regions across the state, including information on how best to adapt.
Scientell managed media communication for the Ecological Society of Australia, monitoring issues and undertaking traditional and social media activities and other communication to raise the profile of the Society, its [...]